

This Tool has various functions to work with OCF swagger type definitions. The base function of DeviceBuilder is to:

This tool is part of the tool chain.

Table of Contents


Installation of DeviceBuilder is making a clone of the repository and use the tool relative of where the repository is located on your system. To install the dependencies:

run pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies.

The full installation of all tools and repos can be achieved via setup.



Typical flow to create an OCF device using DeviceBuilder is:

Tool Chain

The tool chain script implements the following tool chain to generate code: ToolChain

The generated code depends on the available code generation templates in swagger2x.

Available scripts

Currently available DeviceBuilder script:

The DeviceBuilder script installs the following components:

Manual steps

Manual steps to build the generated code:

Individual python tools

The usage of the individual python scripts in this repo can be found here