
template: PythonFlask

generates an http/json server based on python Flask

used as demonstration that the code generation from swagger2.0 files works with python. This is not a OCF server, it has some functions implemented simular as OCF. for exampe:

Flask: see http://flask.pocoo.org/ All endpoints per method have an seperate function. the Flask route annotation make sure that this function is called when the server is being used. Each end point has it own set of callbacks. note that resources without post section in OAS2.0 will not have an POST function implemented. e.g. they will be by definition read only.

This example shows:

File: python-server.py the main file that is the generated Flask server to run the server: python3 python-server.py

File requirements.txt file with python packages to install.

File: readme.txt this file

File: install_packages.py python script to install packages if not installed in the python3 environment currently installs Flask.