
This repo contains the data models that are part of the OCF core specification. The latest version of which can be found at:

referencing files with full URL

This repo uses the GitHub pages feature. e.g. all files can be accessed by using the URL:

and then use the path and filename to retrieve the file by means of http(s). For example, the URL of the swagger file with rt type = oic.wk.p is:

The full url can be used to reference a property definition. For example to reference in a schema the definition of UUID defined in the schema file: oic.types-schema.json use:

“$ref”: “”



The examples folder contains two examples showing how Introspection Device Data (IDD) may be constructed for a Device.

introspectiondevicedataexample.swagger.json illustrates a simple device that exposes an instance of a Binary Switch Resource and an instance of a Brightness Resource

introspectiondevicedataexample-collections.swagger.json illustrates a case where the Device supports the ability to create instances of Binary Switch and instances of Humidity via a Collection that exposes the oic.if.create OCF Interface.

Applying the IDD to a created Resource

In the Collections case a Client can determine how to apply the IDD definition for created Resources via the following procedure: